Been a bit quiet on the old blogging front, but I HAVE been doing something in the meantime... I've spent the past week papier macheing some giant balloons, which are actually going to be painted and turned into lollipops for one shoot, and lemon bon bons for another.
Ta-da! I've also added a layer or cellophane on to the lollipop to make it look like the real thing. I've also been making some pom poms but these are taking forever so today I'm going to go invest in a pom pom maker so it doesn't take me hours to make one!
And I'm also spending the day papier macheing more balloons!
I also did a small shoot last Friday, I was meant to be photographing a mother and baby but unfortunately the baby is ill so we had to cancel that but the model I was arranging it through kindly offered to come to the studio and do a shoot so when those are edited I'll blog them!
Has anyone else been making anything cool lately?